How to Pick Out a Used Car (2019 Edition)

While some things are best purchased new – for instance, toilet paper comes to mind – other things can justifiably be purchased used. One of the best things you can buy used? A car. Did you know that a car’s retail value plummets a shocking 9 percent in the mere moment it took you to drive it off the lot? Ouch! In fact, in the first few years that you own your car, it’ll only continue to drop in value. By the time your four-wheeled baby is five years old, it’ll be worth a scant 40 percent of its original value. And you know what’s funny about that? Cars these days are actually built to last, so buying a used car isn’t just an economically wise decision, it’s just smart all-around...

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Buying a Used Car May Be the Right Choice for You and Your Family

A few decades ago, there was a time in which people rightly assumed that buying used cars would be the worst investment possible, since you would often end up with an unstable vehicle purchased at an unfair price. These days, things are much different since manufacturing standards have ensured long-lasting reliability that extends way beyond a first owner's use.

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