Do you think you might qualify for a disabled parking permit in Fort Lauderdale? Floridians can get these permits from the DMV or from a local auto tag agency. You need a note from a doctor verifying your injury, disability, or impairment. If you have paralysis, or an injury, or if you’re dealing with an ongoing condition like legal blindness, you are probably eligible one of these parking permits. Once you have this permit you can easily park in a handicapped parking space in Fort Lauderdale.
If you have an injury or a disability, you shouldn’t continue to be inconvenienced by the difficult parking situation at work, your condominium, or the grocery store. There are so many handicapped accessible parking spots in the area, so you just need to make an appointment with a qualifying doctor and determine whether you can apply for a disabled parking permit in Fort Lauderdale.
What Kind of Disabled Parking Permit Can I Get?
You can get a temporary or permanent disabled parking permit in Fort Lauderdale. If you don’t know what kind you are eligible for, just keep reading. It’s pretty simple: if your disability is due to an injury that is being treated, like a dislocated knee or broken femur, then you can get a temporary parking permit. This permit will last 6 months.
If your injury or condition will or has lasted longer than six months, then you are probably eligible for a permanent disabled parking permit in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Who Can Help Me Get a Disabled Parking Permit?
Only some types of doctors can asses your situation. Then they must issue a Statement of Certification for the DMV. The following types of doctors are allowed to evaluate patients for disabled parking permits.
Osteopathic Physician
Podiatric Physician
Optometrist (for sight only)
Military medical facility physician
Physician assistant
Contact Auto Tags of Florida at (954)848-4808 to skip the DMV lines and find out about Fort Lauderdale disabled parking permits.
Photo credit: Anna Schvets