The FLHSMV is in charge of many boating legalities in Florida: boating registration, requirements to operate a vessel, and more. Since we have the benefit of so many beaches and docks, owning a boat in Florida is par for the course for most people. However, figuring out what you need to drive that boat legally in the State can be confusing. June is Boat Safety Month, and we’re here to help you make sure you have what you need before the boating starts! Registering your Boat in Palm Beach: The beauty of living in Florida is that you don’t have to go to the DMV to drive your boat legally. At Auto Tags of Florida, we can register your boat and take care of the paperwork for you. It can take some time for you to do the paperwork yourself, however, with our experience and knowledge, we can get your boat registered in just a day! You won’t have to leave the comfort of your home or office.