There’s a unique freedom to owning your own boat - and in Florida, it can be one of the most freeing recreational activities. Fortunately, since so many people move in and out of our beautiful state, there are many opportunities to buy a used boat. Buying a used boat, while risky at times, can be a great alternative to buying something new and paying full price or dealing with a huge loan.
Before you buy a used boat in Florida and getting Fort Lauderdale boat tags, it’s important to evaluate the many choices you will have.
What Kind of Boat Do You Want?
There are so many different types of boats. What kind of engine do you want? Do you have brand preferences? What kind of top or cover would you like on the boat? Do you want fiberglass, or aluminum? Answering these questions will help you narrow down your selection.
Compare Prices
Boat age is measured in hours spent driving the boat. Take a look at the kind of boat you want and compare the changes in price based on the age/use of the boat.
Call to Ask Questions
Find out what has happened to the boat. Has it been painted? Have there been any electrical problems or accidents to the boat? Why are they selling the boat? All these factors can influence the ultimate cost of the vessel.
Plan to Take the Boat for a Spin
The owner should be willing to take the boat out on the water with you to prove its operating properly. You should know how your new (used) vessel handles!
Get the Boat’s Title Transferred to You
Once you agree on a price, the next step will be to get the title transferred to you. You will then need to get the boat registered in Florida. This is an important step to legally owning your new boat and embarking on the waterways!
Do you need help getting your paperwork in order for a vessel purchase or sale? Get your boat tags renewed or your boat registered in Florida. Contact Auto Tags of Florida today!