Did you know that a mobile home is considered a motor vehicle in the State of Florida? Since it’s defined as a motor vehicle by the state, the state requires that you have a certificate of title to prove that you own the vehicle. This process is just like owning a car or truck. For your mobile home, you’re going to need various documents depending on what kind of mobile home it is. If it’s a single-wide, you may not need as many documents as if you purchase a doublewide.
Why a Decal?
Since your mobile home must be registered, it will usually receive a numbered decal instead of a license plate. This helps identify the vehicle. The State of Florida requires that all mobile homes are renewed annually. The date of renewal is usually December 31st throughout the state.
What If I Don't Get My Mobile Home Renewed on Time?
If you don’t renew your mobile home registration on time, you may to be assessed a late fee which will usually be charged on the 10th of the subsequent month.
If you have recently purchased a mobile home or need to renew your registration, there’s no reason to wait in the long lines at the DMV. Contact Auto Tags of Florida to learn more today!