Driving down I-95 is usually a breeze. If you’re a speed demon like some of us, the joy of driving in South Florida is that everyone is speeding and you rarely see someone pulled over for it. Speed at your own risk of course, because when you see those flashing blue and red lights behind you on your way to Pompano Beach, there ARE some potential repercussions, especially if your registration is expired.
If you had a birthday recently, there’s a good chance your registration is expired. When your registration is expired, the officers have the discretion to give you a warning, write you a ticket, or even arrest you if you have other outstanding tickets or warnings. It can be a scary scenario, so lay yourself at the officer’s mercy and get it fixed as soon as possible! Even if you are still within the month your Pompano Beach registration expires, you may be in trouble if your birthday has already passed.
Get Your Car Registered Quickly in Pompano Beach
It’s easy to get your registration renewed in Florida. Lucky for us, the State allows its residents to skip out on the DMV experience. The fact is, it’s illegal to drive your car when your registration is expired. You may have to pay a renewal fee if more than 14 days have passed since its expiration. You can contact Auto Tags of Florida, a Pompano Beach tag agency, to get your registration renewed within 24 hours.
Don't Forget to Update Your Insurance
Other things to consider: If you don't have current insurance, you won't be able to renew your registration in the State of Florida. Send in a scan of your license, expired tag information, and insurance information today.
Let Auto Tags of Florida update your car registration completed within 24 hours by emailing us at [email protected] today!