It’s a panic-inducing situation: your Florida license is suspended. Maybe you received your suspension notice in the mail, or maybe you were pulled over and just avoided arrest from the lenient police officer who pulled you over. However, not all situations need to be handled in court or with irritating defensive driving classes. Some suspensions can be handled with paperwork and a few phone calls.
Here are a few reasons your license may have been suspended:
Failing to Maintain Insurance:
The State of Florida requires for drivers to purchase a minimum coverage for their vehicle. Failing to maintain the minimum amount of insurance results in an immediate suspension of your license. Your car's registration and its license plate will also be revoked until the insurance requirements are met.
Medical or Vision Problems:
Your driver's license may be immediately revoked if you're found behind the wheel under any vision impairment condition until you submit to an eye exam that can prove minimum vision standards are met. This exam must be mailed to the Vision Section of The Bureau of Motorist Compliance (full address at the FLHSMV website). After being reviewed by the bureau, the department may reinstate your driver's license.
If there are medical issues that render you incapable of driving safely, your license may be suspended for a year. This suspension doesn't make you eligible for a hardship license, and after the year has passed, you will be required to pass the exams needed before reinstating your license.
Failing to Pay Child Support:
When there are payments overdue that involve the Florida Department of Revenue, your license may be revoked until such payments are made.
We hope this quick guide to license suspensions is of any use. Since there are many different processes involved depending on the reasons for your license suspension, we're always glad to help anyone with this endeavor. One of the most common ways to find out about a license suspension is when your tag renewal date is near. Be sure to contact Auto Tags of Florida at (954)848-4808, and we'll guide you through the necessary steps for you to get back safely on the road and update your registration accordingly.