You're driving down I-95 towards Miami, and you see lights flashing behind your car... you know, the gut-wrenching red and blue ones. Are you being pulled over? Panic hits! You just had a birthday, and your registration is expired. As you blink your signal and get over into the right lane, the Ford Interceptor speeds past you. Phew... you got lucky! This time, that is...
You get home, and check your glove box to see whether your registration expires in 2017 or 2018. 2017 it is... if you'd been pulled over today, what would have happened? It's a scary concept to consider. In Florida, your birthday is also the expiration date for your registration, so even if you are still within the month your Fort Lauderdale registration expires, you may be in trouble if your birthday has already passed and you get pulled over.
Car Registration in Pompano Beach, Florida
Once your registration has expired, the best thing to do is get it renewed as soon as possible. You are not supposed to drive the vehicle while your registration is expired. You may have to pay a renewal fee if more than 14 days have passed since its expiration.
You need to make sure that your insurance is up to date. If you don't have current insurance, you won't be able to renew your registration in the State of Florida.
Getting your tags renewed in Florida does not have to be a complex process. Send in your license, expired tag information, and insurance information and we can get your vehicle registration completed within 24 hours.