When you’re a bike owner in South Florida, you have to get used to unpredictable weather. The warm, golden rays of light that beam down from that always bright, ever so blue sky can be as flaky as a millennial RSVPing for a party. So, how should you ride your bike in South Florida’s tropical monsoon climate? Below, we have a few tips for our Fort Lauderdale motorcycle tag renewal customers that can keep your motorcycle on the road.
Why Is It So Tough to Ride a Motorcycle in the Rain?
Riding a motorcycle in the rain is tough. Your visibility is decreased - especially with the heavy droplets that fall in humid Florida. However, there is an even bigger danger to that.
Your Visor Will Fog
As the temperature declines, your helmet will begin fogging up. This is inevitable - so you have to be prepared. There are products on the market that work as inserts to your helmet, and they can help prevent fogging. A few other preparations you can make include getting a clear visor for when it rains, and even a yellow windshield. The yellow windshield is like wearing driving glasses - it’s made to increase contrast, making it much easier to see. Finally, you can treat your visor with Rain-X or a similar product to get the water to bead up, making it far easier to see. (via Ride Apart)
Do Not Ride with Slicks
While it can be so much fun to ride with less grip, you know that Florida rain can come at any time. So the best thing you can do is make sure you have grippy tires on your bike. The road is going to be extra slippery, and everything that caused your motorcycle to lose traction before will be even more slick. Manhole covers, metal patches and plates, railroad crossings, and white lines in the road are practically frictionless - so maneuver around them!
Watch Out for Oil
When it first begins to rain, the road will still be dirty. That iridescent grease reflection on the ground is oil - and it’s all over the road. You need to avoid these spots at all costs.
Don’t just watch out for oil - puddles themselves present an obstacle that can cause you a lot of pain. There could be a bad pothole or a manhole underneath - and there’s no way to tell until you’re through it. So instead of enjoying the spray, take a small detour and save yourself, and your motorcycle, injury. (via Jafrum Blog)
Brake with the Rear
Braking technique is important in any vehicle when you’re dealing with inclement conditions. No matter what, don’t brake strongly if you can help it. If you have to brake hard, make sure you pump the brakes. This helps increase friction and prevent hydroplaning.
A Note about Lightning
No matter what, don’t ride the lightning! Sorry James Hetfield, it’s a bad idea to take your motorcycle out when electricity is in the air. There’s no real way to keep yourself completely dry while riding - there are some clothing items that can help, but the fact is, you have no shelter in your motorcycle and it’s extremely dangerous to be out in the lightning. And we have some of the greatest rates of lightning strikes in the whole country!
No matter what, stay safe. If you’re uncomfortable riding in the rain, it may be a good idea for you to pull over and take shelter in the nearest restaurant or hotel. Don’t take an unnecessary risk. It’s always more dangerous to ride in bad weather, but important to be prepared for the time when you may have to! As a Florida motorcyclist, it’s impossible to avoid the rain.
Have you recently purchased a motorcycle? Contact Auto Tags of Florida to get your motorcycle tags renewed today.