We see it every year at our Pompano Beach tag agency. Your birthday came and went with fanfare - and in the celebration, you completely forgot about the state requirements to re-register your car. While registration renewal is easy to forget or miss, it can have some serious consequences. If you’re new to Florida, you may be expecting a ticket or some time in traffic court. However, this isn’t always the case.
What Kind of Ticket Will I Get with an Expired Florida Tag?
The penalties for getting pulled over with an expired tag are outlined in Florida Statute 320.07. The statute basically states that if you’re pulled over and your registration has been expired for less than 6 months, it is considered a noncriminal traffic violation.
What If Your Registration Is More than 6 Months Overdue?
If this is your first offense, then you are in luck - you will be given a criminal traffic violation and need to have your day in court. If this is your second offense, you should take care! If you get pulled over for your registration you could end up with a misdemeanor in the second degree. This could land you some jail time, so if you’re in this situation it’s best not to drive the vehicle and get the registration fixed right away! If you’ve already received the misdemeanor charge, getting a lawyer might be a good idea, but fixing the registration before your court date may ameliorate your charges somewhat.
It may be difficult to find a day off work to not drive your vehicle, but abiding by the state requirements is essential to prevent landing yourself tickets, steep fines, and a potential criminal record for not renewing your registration on time. If you’ve driven your car to work today, there’s a chance we could help you get it sorted same-day, so your vehicle could be legal by the time you get out! As your local Pompano Beach tag agency, we specialize in same-day service. Procrastination can have serious consequences… contact us today!